05 August 2024 17:24
#393293 Quote
Several sleep disorders may qualify for disability payments if they significantly impede employment and daily activities. Among them:

Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Severe cases can cause daytime weariness and cognitive difficulties, affecting productivity.
Narcolepsy: Daytime tiredness and unexpected sleep bouts can interrupt normal life.
Severe RLS can cause long-term discomfort and sleep disruptions.
Chronic insomnia, especially untreatable insomnia, can adversely disrupt daily life and productivity.
Parasomnias: REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder can cause harmful sleep behaviors.
Waklert 150mg a medicine for daytime sleepiness, may be administered to manage symptoms but isn't a disability treatment. Disability claims require medical documentation and proof of how the disorder impacts work and life. See a doctor for a diagnosis and disability compensation.
